– Jesus never procrastinated the Cross – When I was a kid, there were things I could not WAIT to do: go to amusement park, go to a Christmas party where I was guaranteed a gift, go for a swim on a H-H-H day, go to Dairy Queen to get whatever I wanted. There were things and places I NEVER wanted to go. I especially hated going to this particular doctor when we lived in Arkansas: his philosophy was that a shot always got the cure going faster than waiting around for any by-mouth medication to start working. Dr. Callaway, I really thought he would have made a better horse doctor. Many a sore throat or ache “miraculously” vanished once the name of “Callaway” was said. How painful it must have been for Jesus to think on the Cross! He was the Creator of these bodies and could give you every minute detail of why crucifixion was so torturous. He was the Messiah and yet would now be killed as a criminal. He was Holy God about to become Our Sin. He marched to the Cross because it was the pathway to my salvation—only He could walk it. Luke 9:51, “He was DETERMINED to go to Jerusalem.” Mark 10:32, “He took the twelve aside and began to tell them what was going to happen to Him.” Matthew 26:18, “… my time is near; I am to eat the Passover at your house with my disciples.” John 12:23-24 “… the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified… a Seed that is put into the ground and DIES.” John13:1,”Jesus knowing that his hour had come to depart out of this world… took a towel” Luke 22:42, “Not my will but yours be done.” Matthew 26:45 “Behold the hour is at hand and the Son of man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners.” Mark 14:42,”Get up; let us be going; the one who betrays me is at hand.” Jesus was the Eternal God. What would have happened if the Eternal God had put off, procrastinated, held back for an instant?! History itself could have ended and Man (me) would have been forever lost! “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy before Him, endured the Cross, DESPISING its shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Thank you, Jesus, for not “putting off” my Sin.
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Pastor Stephen WilloughbyPastor Steve grew up in Columbia,South America, where his parents served as missionaries for 25 years. After graduating from Capital Bible Seminary, he was invited to serve as Assistant Pastor at FBCP. He has served in that capacity for twenty years before taking on the position of Senior Pastor. Archives
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